- Battlefield Tour - OOSTERBEEK
- 25th Bridge to Bridge Run - ARNHEM MARKET SQUARE
- Arrival Arnhem 1944 Veterans - Zalencentrum Lebret - OOSTERBEEK
- Wreath Laying - Airborne Monument Hartenstein- OOSTERBEEK
- Coffee Concert - Airborne Museum - OOSTERBEEK
- Commemoration at Grave Bakhuis-Roozeboom by Dutch Commando Troop
- Wreath Laying - Airborne Monument – HEELSUM
- Commemoration - Airborne Monument – ARNHEM
- Get Together – ARNHEM
- Airborne Tattoo on the market place - EDE
- Arnhem Memorial Day - Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum
- Para Dropping by Pathfindergroup Europe - Boltweg - DRIEL
- Commemoration at Polish Monument - Polenplein(Plac Polski) - DRIEL
- 5th Gen. Stanislaw Sosabowski Tour with as guest Mike Sosabowski - DRIEL
- Commemoration at the Engineers Monument - DRIEL
- Para Dropping by Pathfindergroup Europe - Engineers Monument - DRIEL
- Polish Service in the Catholic Church - Kerkstraat - DRIEL
- Airborne Battle Wheels Race to the Bridge - Telefoonweg - RENKUM
- Para Dropping - Ginkel Heath - EDE
- Wreath Laying - Ginkel Heath - EDE
- Memorial Airshow - Ginkel Heath - EDE
- Torches Defile and old vehicles- Townhall Square - EINDHOVEN
- Live Music on the Square at Cafe-Restaurant Schoonoord - OOSTERBEEK
- Tattoo at the townhall square - OOSTERBEEK
- Service in the Old Church - OOSTERBEEK
- Commemoration - Airborne Cemetery - OOSTERBEEK
- Airborne Battle Wheels Oosterbeek March to the Cemetery - OOSTERBEEK
- Wreath Laying - Air Despatch Monument - OOSTERBEEK
- Liberation Festival Remember September with Music - Liberation Museum - GROESBEEK
- Liberation Concert - Petrus Canisius Church - NIJMEGEN
- Saturday 23 October 2010
- 27th Pegasus March - OTTERLO
(We take no responsibility for any inconvenience that may occur due to changes to the events listed).
The main places the memorials are taking place are all easily accessible. If you wanted to get to Arnhem, it has a main railway station – Arnhem railway station, which is serviced by several intercity lines and the ICE toDüsseldorf and further on to Frankfurt. Oosterbeek has its own railway station too. Dreil is a small village close to Arnhem that can also be reached by pedestrians and cyclists on a solar powered ferry from Oosterbeek .
Museums to visit while your there include:
Airborne Museum Hartenstein, Oosterbeek - The museum contains Allied and German weapons, and is dedicated to British and Polish paratroopers. - www.airbornemuseum.org
Wings of Liberation Museum, Best, Einhoven - This museum contains audio-visuals and memorabilia documenting the breakout of the war. The museum park is situated where members of the 101st US Airborne Division landed as part of Operation Market Garden. - www.wingsofliberation.nl – Open Daily 10.00 – 17.00 (Winter months weekends only) Closed 25 & 31 December & Jan 1st.
National Liberation Museum 1944-45, Groesbeek – This Museum commemorates the liberation of Netherlands after the Armistice - ww.bevrjdingsmuseum.nl – Open Monday – Saturday 10.00-17.00; Sundays and holidays 12.00-17.00.
Arnhem War Museum 40-45, Ashaarsergen, Arnhem – A vast array of equipment, objects, vehicles and uniforms are on display in this museum – www.arnhemwarmuseum.tripod.com – Open Tuesdays – Sundays: 10.00-17.00. Closed Mondays, Christmas Day and New Years Day.